Synchronously enrich transactions
Enriches a transaction with information about entities, locations and categories. Besides the original id
that was
submitted, the response only contains the enriched fields.
To view the complete transaction, including the original fields, such as description or amount, you can use any of the Transactions API listing methods.
Complete guide: Transaction Enrichment.
A unique identifier of the transaction
The description string of the transaction
The date that the transaction was posted. Uses ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
The amount of the transaction in the currency
. Must be a positive value. For example, if the currency
is USD, then it’s the amount in dollars.
The direction of the flow of the money from the perspective of the account holder. outgoing
to represent money leaving the account, such as purchases or fees, while incoming
represents money entering the account, such as income or refunds.
The currency of the transaction in ISO 4217 format
The unique ID of the account holder. Unsetting it will disable categorization.
Location of where the transaction has taken place. This can greatly improve entity identification, especially under ambiguity.
Enriched transactions.
The timestamp of when the account holder was created.
A unique identifier for the transaction. If two transactions are submitted with the same id
the most recent one will replace the previous one.
Entities found by identity identification